• Birthday choir
  • Happy thoughts
  • Thinking of you
  • Happy Anniversary
  • Today and always
  • Sending you love
  • Birthday boogie
  • Birthday flowers

Try 123cards for Business Risk-Free for 7 Days!

thereafter just $24/mo, billed annually, auto-renewal

Make business greetings a delightful experience, allowing you to connect with clients and partners in a fresh, engaging way!

Enter your business email to get started:

  • Access to all Premium ecards
  • No ads on site or in emails
  • Cancel anytime during trial

Unlock more benefits
with 123cards for Business

Your brand on every card
Each ecard will be uniquely customised with your company name and logo at every step — from the notification email to the pick-up page, and even inside the ecard itself!
Direct links to your world
Recipients will find direct links to your website and social media pages at the bottom of each ecard, making it a breeze for them to connect with your brand.
Reach all contacts at once
Share the joy with ease by sending ecards to groups of colleagues, partners, or clients, all in one go!
Feel the love
Recipients will get a chance to send quick thank-you notes so you’ll know you’ve made their day!

Our Premium members also enjoy:

Premium ecards collection

Our best ecards are a part of our Premium collection. Access all Premium ecards by joining!

Full-size ecard view

All cards will be shown in full size! Enjoy 60% larger ecard view!

No ads

Never see another ad on our site or in emails. No ads will be displayed next to cards that you send or receive.

Send all ecards as Premium

Love those ecards? Full access to all Premium eCards. Send away!

Ecards do not expire

All our free cards expire after 10 days. Keep your ecards as memories - don't let them expire!

Make your own ecards

Upload your images or photos and make your greetings more personal!

Print ecards

Let the recipient enjoy holding an actual physical card in their hands and let them keep it as a keepsake.

Unlock your sent and received cards

Which cards did you send or receive last week or last Christmas? Get access to all your sent and received cards!

Customer support

Have any questions? Send us an email. We are here to help!

Our users love us

Thank you 123cards! One of the best card providers with efficient, helpful staff and excellent customer service. I would make 123cards the First choice for any occasion. Delightful, meaningful cards at a reasonable price.

- Ms. Aoife Coleman

Your card selections are AMAZING! I look forward to sending more cards for every occasion. Watch out Hallmark. Thanks again

- Donna Digrazia

I have been a fan of 123cards forever it seems! I am grateful for your existence, esp. when family and friends were delighted to receive your creative cards! Thanks a million for your service. Keep up the good work!

- Kim Nolan, Australia

I have always enjoyed the privilege of using e-cards and am very happy that the cards are available. Great choices and it takes some head scratching which one to choose. Thank you 123cards!"

- Joan Bezuidenhout

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