Hanukhah, or the Jewish Festival of Lights, is celebrated on the 25th day of Kislev, which falls at different dates each calendar year. In 2025, Hanukkah begins on Sunday evening, December 14th and will continue through Monday evening, December 22nd. It is a time for many families to reflect on the joy and blessings they have received over the previous year. The winter celebration recalls a people called the Maccabees who stood up to the Syrian-Greek leaders of the time to practice their religion. After defeating the bigger army, the group learned they had only enough oil to light their menorah for one day, but that oil actually lasted eight days and nights. Hanukkah is celebrated each year in memory of that time to celebrate the miracle of the burning oil.
Today, the eight day event is filled with traditions like the lighting of the Menorah and playing Dreidel; both children and adults enjoy the festivities. For tips and ideas on how celebrate Hanukkah this season, check out our previous blog article.
5 ways to start a Hanukkah ecard
Hanukkah is a word which means dedication. A good way to begin your Hanukkah card could be to share your devotion or love for your family and friends that you may not be able to see in person this year. A simply “Happy Hanukkah” or “Chag Sameach”, which means “Happy Holiday” will make a great beginning. Here are four more ways to begin your Hanukkah e-card:
- Wishing your family peace and light during this season of miracles!
- Cheers to a meaningful Hanukkah for your family!
- Sending love to you during the Festival of Lights.
- Chag Urim Sameach! (Which means “Happy Festival of Lights”)
5 ideas for a children’s Hanukkah ecard
For many children their first Hanukkah celebration is a very special event. They may have seen the Menorah glowing, but probably were not allowed to light a candle or may simply not have understood what the celebration truly means. The food and games and stories they will experience will ensure this holiday remains a favorite, and your card can add to their enjoyment and understanding. Here are five children’s wishes for the Hanukkah season:
- I hope you have so much fun that this Hanukkah leaves you spinning like a dreidel!
- Sending love and wishes for eight special nights for a very special kid!
- You light our rooms brighter than the Menorah – Happy Hanukkah!
- Let’s take on the grown-ups and win the Dreidel championship this year!
- I hope your Hanukkah is great – times eight!
5 ideas for a parent or grandparent Hanukkah ecard
As you build our adult life, it can be harder to make it home for each holiday, but even from a distance you can share the joy of the season by sending a Hanukkah card. We have a great selection of pre-made Hanukkah ecards, or you can make your own Hanukkah ecard using a family photo or design that will remind your loved ones of a special time – perhaps a previous Hanukkah or a special trip.
The key to a card for a parent or grandparent is to let them know how their faith has impacted your own. You could begin your Hanukkah ecard like this:
- I am blessed to call you my parent/grandparent!
- I treasure how you have shown me your faith, because it has helped me to build my own.
- Of all the traditions you’ve passed down, love is my favorite.
- During Hanukkah we are reminded of the things that matter the most. In our family, YOU are the most!
- Mom/Dad, Grandma/Grandpa, you are the light that keeps our family’s light shining bright!
5 ideas for an interfaith Hanukkah ecard
In many families, multiple traditions and faiths are shared, which can make getting the greeting right a hard thing. Because of that it is a good idea to include more general greetings and to focus on the meaningful time of year that it is for all people. Here are five greetings you could use to begin your interfaith Hanukkah ecard:
- During this season of light and love, I am sending you mine.
- Thank you for sharing your love during this season filled with traditions.
- Wishing you a season filled with light and love.
- Sending you heartfelt wishes for a season filled with LATKE love! (Latke is a traditional Jewish potato pancake)
- Here’s to a meaningful season filled with love, faith, and light!
If you can’t be with your loved ones during the season this year, sending a Hanukkah ecard allows you to be part of the celebration, even from a distance. Once you have designed and written your card make sure you double-check the email address and delivery date so that you can be sure your Hanukkah ecard arrives on time for the festivities!