• Birthday choir
  • Sending you love
  • Today and always
  • Birthday boogie
  • Birthday celebration
  • Thinking of you
  • Happy Anniversary
  • Made for each other

About us

123cards is an online greeting cards website with over 800 eCards across more than 40 categories. We love helping our customers to bring joy to each other's lives by making it easy and fun to send an eCard!

We are a family-run company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. The international site, 123cards.com, was launched in 2016 as a sister site to our Danish eCards site - 123kort.dk. The Danish site has been bringing joy to people’s lives since 2003, and it remains the most popular site in Denmark for online greetings.

What started as a fun project sending digital eCards for Christmas and birthdays only in Denmark, now serves millions of people around the world.

We hope that you will find a suitable card for your needs. We have certainly enjoyed creating them!

If you have any questions regarding how to send cards, about our prices or subscriptions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer service.

If you have any creative ideas and suggestions, please contact Sasha, our Creative Director.

For business development opportunities, please contact André, our CEO.

123cards, Strandvejen 100, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark, CVR DK29518548
Today, we make the ecards & develop the website with love from Copenhagen, Denmark and 6 other cities around the world
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